Eργαστήριο Θερμοδυναμικής & Θερμικών Mηχανών |
Ολυμπία Ζώγου and Τ. Σταματέλλος (2012, 8 έως 10 Σεπτεμβρίου). ΣΥΣΧΕΤΙΣΗ ΜΕΤΡΗΣΕΩΝ PM10 ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ ΣΤΑΘΜΩΝ ΜΕTΡΗΣΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΥ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ ΣΤΟ ΒΟΛΟ ΤΟ 2011. 1. Σκιάθος.ο Περιβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Θεσσαλίας
Ο., Stamatis A.,2010,Transient Simulation of Combined Cycle Trigeneration
System Fueled by Natural Gas, IEESE paper 157,Proccedings of the 5th
International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-5),27-30 June 2010
Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey
Olympia Zogou and H. Stapountzis (2009, December 11th - 12th). Optimized Transient Response of Building Integrated PV panels. Conference on the promotion of Distributed Renewable Energy Sources in the Mediterranean region. Nicosia, Cyprus.
Οlympia Zogou and A. Stamatelos (2006). Optimization of thermal performance of a building with ground coupled heat pump system. 19th International Conference of Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Enviromental Impact of Energy Systems. Aghia Pelagia, Crete, Greece.
Konstantas, G. , Stamatelos, A.: Computer-Aided Engineering of Diesel Filter Systems, Joint Meeting of the Italian and the Greek Section of the Combustion Institute, 17- 19 June 2004, Corfu Island, Greece
Konstantas, G. , Stamatelos, A.: Computer-Aided Design Optimization of Catalytic Exhaust Treatment Systems For Gasoline-Powered Cars, ERCOFTAC Design Optimization International Conference, March 31- April 2 2004, Athens, Greece
Koltsakis, G.C. and A.M. Stamatelos: Storage of Chemical Species in Emission Control Systems: The Role of Mathematical Modeling. 2001 Global Powertrain Congress, June 4-7, 2001, Detroit, MI
Versaevel, P., Colas, H. Rigaudeau, C., Noirot, R., Koltsakis, G.; Stamatelos, A.:Some Empirical Observations on Diesel Particulate Filter Modeling and Comparison between Simulations and Experiments. SAE 2000 International Congress, Detroit, US, 03.2000. (SAE Paper 2000-01-0477)
Pontikakis, G. Koltsakis,G.; Stamatelos, A., Noirot, R., Agliany, Y., Colas, H. and Versavel, P.: Experimental and Modelling Study on Zeolite Catalysts for Diesel Engines CAPOC 5, Fifth International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control, Brussels, April 2000
Audinet M., Debenedetti M., Webster D.E., Michelin J., Montintin J., Makkee M., Saracco G. and Stamatelos A.M. (1999) Catalytic Traps for Diesel Particulate Control (CATATRAP), presented at the European Automotive Congress 99 (Barcelona, Spain), paper STA99C416 in the CD-ROM Proceedings (10 pages)
Stamatelos, Α.Μ.: Computer Aided Engineering οf Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems. Global Powertrain Congress, GPC’99, Stuttgart, Germany, October 5-7, 1999
Μ. Βλαχογιάννης, Χ. Πανούτσος, Β. Μποντόζογλου & Α. Σταματέλλος, Πειραματική διερεύνηση χαρακτηριστικών μεταβατικής λειτουργίας αντλίας θερμότητας.4ο Eθνικό Συνέδριο του ΙΗΤ για τη Βελτιστοποίηση των Ενεργειακών Διεργασιών , Βόλος, Νοέμ. 1999
Koltsakis, G.C. and Α.Μ. Stamatelos: Modelling Dynamic Phenomena in three-Way Catalytic Converters. USPC-3. St. Petersburg, Russia, July 1998
Stamatelos, A.M., Koltsakis, G.C., I.P. Kandylas: Computer-Aided Engineering in SI Engine Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems Design.1998 FISITA World Automotive Congress,Paris, 1998
Pattas, K.N.; A.M. Stamatelos, G.C. Koltsakis, I. Kandylas and W. Mustel: Computer Aided Engineering in the Design of Diesel Particulate Trap Systems.(SAE paper 970454). SAE International Congress, Detroit, USA, Μάρτιος 1997
Koltsakis, G.C. and A.M. Stamatelos: A Concept for Catalytic Converter On-Board Monitoring Using the Catalyst Exotherm 1st International Conference on Control and Diagnostics in Automotive Applications. Genova, October 3-4, 1996
Conti, L.; Saroglia, L.P., R. van Yperen, Stamatelos, Α.Μ.; Koltsakis, G.C.: Development of Dedicated CNG Ultra Low Emitting Cars. ΑΤΑ (Associazione Tecnica dell'Automobile): 1st Intl. Conference: Alternative and Bio Fuels: Production and Use. Lecce, Italy, 20-21.6.1996
Koltsakis, G.C., A.G. Konstandopoulos and A.M. Stamatelos: Soot Combustion in Wall-Flow Diesel Particulate Filters: Catalytic and Periodically-Reversed-Flow Regeneration. 26th International Symposium on Combustion, Naples, Italy, 28.7 – 2.8.1996 (Poster Session)
Pattas, K.N., A.M. Stamatelos, G.C. Koltsakis, P.A. Konstantinidis, E.Volpi, E. Leveroni: Computer Aided Assessment of Catalyst Ageing Cycles. (SAE paper 950934). SAE International Congress, Detroit, USA, Μάρτιος 1995
Stamatelos, A.M. and K.N. Pattas: Control Approaches for the Efficient Use of Heat Pumps in Buildings. POWER ENGINEERING, 4th Intl. Experts Meeting, 9-10.05.1995, Maribor, Slovenia
Stamatelos, Α.Μ., K.N. Pattas, D.P. Psoinos: Engineering Education Aiming at a Sustainable National Development: The Case of a New Greek University. Aνακοίνωση στο Συνέδριο 100 χρόνων της ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), 21-23.6. 1993
Pattas, Κ.Ν., A.M. Stamatelos: Diesel Particulate Traps as a Route to the Clean Diesel. Ανακοίνωση στο 24th Meeting of Bus and Coach Experts, Budapest, September 27-29, 1993
Stamatelos, Α.Μ.: Temperature Response of Automotive Exhaust Catalytic Converters. ECOS'92 (Univ. of Zaragoza - ASME, Advanced Energy Systems Division), Zaragoza, 06.1992
Pattas, Κ.Ν., A.M. Stamatelos: A Τrap Oxidizer System for the Turbocharged Diesel Engine. (SAE paper 910137). SAE International Congress, Detroit, US, 02.1991
Stamatelos, Α.Μ.: Impact of Environmental Legislation on the Design of Vehicle Diesel Engines: The Case of Diesel Particulate Traps. Athens'91 International Conference on the Analysis of Thermal Systems (ASME), Αθήνα 06.1991
Pattas, Κ.Ν., A.M. Stamatelos, J.C. Constandinidis: Exhaust Temperature Response of Trap Oxidizer Systems. (SAE paper 900323).SAE International Congress, Detroit, 02.1990
Pattas, K., Samaras, Z., Patsatzis, N., Michalopoulou, C.,Zogou, O., Stamatellos, A., Barkis, M. (1990, 26 February through 2 March ). On-road experience with trap oxidiser systems installed on urban buses. SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MI, USA.
Pattas, Κ.Ν., A.M.Stamatelos: The Effect of Exhaust Throttling on the Diesel Engine Operation Characteristics and Thermal Loading. (SAE paper 890399). SAE Intl Congress, Detroit, 02.1989
Pattas, Κ.Ν., Z.C.Samaras, A.M.Stamatelos, N.A.Patsatzis: Size Determination of the Ceramic Diesel Particulate Trap. (SAE paper 870253). SAE Intl Congress, Detroit, 02.1987
Pattas, Κ.Ν., A.M.Stamatelos, N.A.Patsatzis, P.S.Kikidis, J.Aidarinis, Z.Samaras: Forced Regeneration by Exhaust Gas Throttling of the Ceramic Diesel Particulate Trap.(SAE paper 860293). SAE International Congress, Detroit, USA, Φεβρ 1986